the return of uncommon tales

Science has agreed, that unless something is done, and done quickly, mankind as the dominant species of life on earth will be extinct within a year. Join the four most uncommon minds on their quest to answer baffling questions, searching for solutions how to overturn this catastrophic prediction of our planet.

Alison and Desmond, two passionate biologists, traversing the wilderness, to identify the anomalous trajectories of mutating plants.

Camille, the woman with supernatural gifts, traveling through multiple dimensions, defying the laws of nature in order to summon the unusual minds to bring back a world yet to be.

Sean, a mastermind of analogue cyber technology, inventing complex devices and sophisticated operating systems to reanimate perishing vegetation.

A story of modern science, mysteries and inconceivable adventures.

In “The Return Of Uncommon Tales” Project SARA continues to reflect on environmental issues and the consequences of global warming. They picture a world with disturbed cycles of seasons, mutating nature and the progressive disappearance of plants.

In order to introduce this vision they dive into the genre of science fiction aesthetics. They create a universe of visuals and language through deconstructing retro futuristic imagery, pulp magazines, contemporary science fiction movies and TV shows. By displaying phenomena like time travel and levitation that occur in ordinary spaces they establish a dialog between real and imaginary contexts.

“The Return Of Uncommon Tales” is a visual story telling project that doesn’t follow a linear dramaturgy but rather unfolds itself through disjointed narratives. The story is told through fictional characters that correlate with the naïve approach to storytelling of the early science fiction films.